Tag Archives: solved docx proteciton

How to unlock a Microsoft Word Document [Step-by-step][Solved]

One of the most annoying things is to protect word documents and when you need to modify it.. you realise that you don’t remember the password…

Here is how you can fix this in less than 1 minute: 

1. First of all, you need to open the doc in Word. Click on “Save as” and then save it with the “.xml” extension:

2. Open this new .xml file with a text editor (Notepad, WordPad, etc.)


3. Now search (CTRL + F) for the string w:enforcement=”1″

4. Now replace the “1” with “0
5. Save the XML document
6. Open the XML document with Word
7. Click on “Save as” and save the document as docx or doc.
